Custom website development and design: So Why custom?
Sites like Wix and Freesite offer services for you to build your own diy website for free, or for a small subscription fee. For the most part, they are pretty easy to use and offer a range of different themes, designs and styles, but they are very different when it comes to custom website and development design Brisbane.
To the consumer, they look just fine. And if the consumers (well, the ones who could find your website) were deciding where your website will rank, then you would be raking in the business with your ‘just fine’ website.
What’s that? You’re not raking in business with a DIY website?
Hmmm…let’s explore why that is…
What is custom website development and design?
Let’s pull this term apart: Custom; Website; Development. Three distinct words which, at the end of the day, are pretty mundane on their own but which, when put together by a team who knows what this really means, can be a game changer for your business.
The key word in all of this is ‘custom’. Anyone can do the other two; it takes specialists to add the ‘custom’ part.
Although we don’t hear it as much now as we might have 150 years ago, the word ‘custom’ is still used to describe the regular dealings that shops or businesses have with the population.
The suffix ‘er’, meaning ‘one who’, added to the end of this word, ie one who has regular dealings with a business or shop, gives us the very thing that businesses are constantly chasing these days: long-term, returning, repeat customers.
You’d be right to assume then, that ‘custom’ is all about the ‘customer’ and creating an environment to which, the customer wants to keep returning. It’s a sad fact but you often can’t do that with a free template and a standard theme.
If in doubt call us and chat about your website development and design.